Dylan told Jake what he had done and Jake listened but felt a bit uneasy.

"I feel strongly about this baby, this kind of bullshit has to stop. People like Larry..."

He paused looking intently at Jake...

"and US, baby. We do not deserve this crap. I don't have any idea if this will help, but some things obviously need to be said...and there is no time like the present."

Jake nodded, and while he agreed with Dylan in principle...he wasn't sure if this was a good idea. Lunch hour came to an end with Jake barely eating and they went on to their next class. Jake kept looking at Dylan and wondering, but he really had no clue what Dylan intended to say to the student body.

Suddenly it was almost 2:30 and the announcement came over the loudspeaker for everyone to head to the auditorium and they did.

Dylan's guidance counselor introduced him and Dylan took to the podium, and at first merely stood there looking at the assembled. It got really hushed and still and quickly so in the large room. Nobody knew what this was all about and even Dylan wasn't too sure of what all he felt he needed to say, but...then he began.

"I assume you all know what happened on Friday."

He paused...

"Jake and I found Larry McGraw in the woods next to our house and he had been beaten almost to death. Maybe to death since he is still in critical condition."

He paused again...

I want to make one thing clear. THIS BULLSHIT HAS TO STOP. Look, nobody in this auditorium knows for sure whether Larry was, or, gay. NOBODY. The bastards that beat him up had no clue and still don't. Nobody has ever bothered to get close enough to him to find out. You and sad to say we...just ignored him. Pretended he didn't exist because he seemed 'different'. But who of us is God-like enough to say who among us is quote unquote different or for that matter more special or less so. HUH? WHO?

Whoever beat him to a pulp WILL BE FOUND, and when they are they will be tried on a charge of attempted murder."

He paused again, OR MAYBE MURDER IN THE FIRST DEGREE. WHOEVER DID THIS DESPICABLE BULLSHIT will spend the REST OF THEIR LIVES in prison. Never seeing the light of day EVER AGAIN and WHOEVER was involved whether or not they took part in the beating is as guilty as the rest. PRISON FOREVER, how about that huh?"

Suddenly a voice broke out from the back of the room...

"NO...PLEASE...OH GOD NO, I DIDN'T WANT IT TO  HAPPEN...HONEST, I TRIED TO STOP IT...but I couldn't..." and the voice kinda trailed off at the end while the entire auditorium sat in silence and all you could hear was Rick sobbing.

Dylan had somehow expected that someone might 'break' and had asked his counselor to call in the sheriffs dept who were now stationed at the auditorium exits and at the adjacent locker rooms/showers. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP ASSHOLE," another voice said. Then the first guy came out of his seat and ran, literally RAN to the podium...where he threw himself at Dylan's feet, sobbing. 
"I didn't want it to happen, Oh God I am so sorry. I am so sorry, I tried to stop them but they wouldn't."

"Who, Rick?"

Dylan being new to the school didn't know everyone but did know a few and Rick was one.

"Barry Lewis. Barry and Rob Moss, and...(choking back sobs) Will Knight."

Dylan nodded to his counselor who slightly opened one of the exit doors and signalled to the deputies outside to come in. Barry tried to make a run for it but was stopped by a deputy and immediately handcuffed. The others were as well, as one of the deputies came up to the podium and Dylan who said...

"Rick I am sure will tell you all you need to know. But if I were you I would keep him separated from the others, especially Barry. His life won't be worth much if they get their hands on him."

The deputy nodded. "Agreed Dylan, and thanks for the help. I will make sure he is protected."

"Thanks," and then the deputy almost gently got Rick Matthews up off the floor and into handcuffs before leading him out and to a separate squad car from the others.

"Ok. BUT, boys and girls, THAT is NOT where this ends.

HATE is what this is, a HATE crime and hate crimes are evil and destructive and NOBODY benefits from any form of hate. 

You and I both have NO RIGHT to make judgements about other people. I don't have to like you or you me but I do have to respect you and your rights as an American and as a human being and you have to afford me the same respect. 

I doubt these bozo's are the only homophobes in this school, but if any of you think you want to do what they just did to Larry YOU AS WELL will end up in prison FOR LIFE.

THINK ABOUT THAT before you lay a hand on anyone you think doesn't measure up to your...uh, 'standards'. And make sure your standards are good enough and high enough to make it to heaven on, but I know one thing. You will NEVER make it there if you are a hater.

There is only one thing I know of that God hates and that is... 

HATE. Yep He does hate HATE. Hate, prejudice, bigotry, is all the same, homophobia, Gender bias, all the same and you will think life in prison is a picnic next to eternity in...HELL."

He paused again, and just stood looking out at the students seated before him...then,

"Thanks for listening," and with that Dylan left the podium and rejoined Jake who sat in the front row beaming proudly at Dylan who leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. But nobody paid any attention. The entire auditorium was sitting in hushed silence, perhaps thinking over what had just been said.

The school principal then dismissed them and that ended the school day in a rather loud thunderous clap of truth.



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