His name was Doctor Brian Woodworth and he came highly recommended. He was fairly young but really savvy and a natural psychologist/therapist. It didn't hurt that he was the younger brother of a colleague of Ann's. That made the connection easier for she and Rick.

It was arranged for him to come to the house which is what he preferred rather than the sterile confines of an office...on Thursdays around 5 which would mesh with Jake's school schedule. They would meet in the library which was off to one side and apart from the main part of the main floor of the house...and quiet which was what was needed.

"Hello, Jake," Dr. Woodworth started...and please, call me Brian. Dr. Woodworth makes me feel old, and he laughed and suddenly so did Jake. A good start to be sure.

"So, tell me. What seems to be troubling you, Jake?" 

Jake just sat for a minute, and then blurted...              

"I'm not really sure...Brian."

"Ok, let's start then with some basics. Do you like school?"

"Yeh, enough."                                                         

"Ok. How about home? Things good?"                      

"Yes, things are great. My parents are super people, and Dylan is just the best ever."

"So no problems at home, but do there seem to be any at school or in your social life?"                            

"Social life, no. At school, everyone knows everyone else, and everyone knows everyone else's business."

"That bothers you?"
"Yeh, I guess." 

"Cause of your relationship with Dylan?"

Jake sat and began to look away. Brian knew he had hit on something. 

"Everyone knows about you and Dylan and that bothers you I think."

"I guess."

"Because of the vicious attacks on your classmate and on Dylan's brother?"


For a long minute Jake just sat and then burst...

"It is just so not right. Why is it anyone's business about us? Or Larry or Teddy. Why should they care? We aren't hurting anyone. We..."and the tears began to flow...making speech impossible.

Brian let him go, although he moved over to put his arm around Jake. He could tell that this had been building for some time, and knew it was best to let Jake get it out so it didn't continue to sit and fester inside.

Jake sat with Brian's arms around him for several minutes until the sobbing began to subside. Finally he began to rise slightly. 

"Sorry," He mumbled but Brian put a finger to his lips.

"Don't be. You needed that."

Jake nodded and pulled himself upright as Brian began to move over.

"This is obviously how you feel. Does anyone else know that? Does Dylan?"

Jake nodded side to side.

"Don't you think they should? Especially Dylan?"

Jake sat silently for a couple of minutes which began to seem like an eternity, but finally...

"Yeh, I suppose..."

"Maybe your classmate and your, should. Should know how what happened to them affected you. Might help you know."



"Ok," Jake replied albeit a bit dubiously.

"At least give it some serious thought, Jake."

Jake nodded.

Brian looked at his watch. It was already time for him to go for today and he said so. They had made significant progress and he said that too and Jake agreed, and with that the good Doctor got up, hugged Jake, and left.

Jake didn't feel quite up to confronting the family, so he slipped quietly out through the french doors at the back of the room and found a chair on the patio which he slipped into with almost a heavy hearted effort and there he sat, lost in thought, when Teddy appeared and sat down next to him.

Uh oh. Moment of truth time.

"HI," this from Teddy.

"Hi," Jake muttered...none too vibrantly.

Then silence.

Teddy immediately knew something was wrong or up or something...the minute he sat down but didn't quite know what to do. Jake was no help.

"What's new? Teddy said, hesitantly.





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